Which level is best for me right now?

The ideal learning jourmey has a delicate balance of familiarity and novelty, not just stimulation but consolidation and depth.
Confidence comes from listening to and honouring what our body currently needs

In most cases, we recommend that students in Level 2 and above complete the level twice (ideally over 15-20 weeks). The first round allows you to focus on learning new material while enjoying the novelty. In the second round you deepen your understanding, build confidence, and refine your technique, as the foundation of the movements will already feel familiar. You also learn a different choreography, applying the same ingredients (moves) to a different recipe, which builds versatility.
We often hear questions about this and occasionally see students in advanced levels expressing regret about rushing through earlier levels. They may struggle with a move they didn’t fully master (or a flexibility goal their muscles needed more time to achieve), which can hold back their progress and ultimately, enjoyment. They feel it's a "failure" to redo an earlier level as the levels are linear so it feels like going backwards, but by not being able to enjoy a complex technique their confidence starts to dip.
--> Learning isn’t just a straight line; it’s a spiral. Revisiting earlier moves isn’t failure—it’s part of how our bodies grow.
The pace of your journey is up to you
Helpful questions to consider when choosing your preferred level
Have I mastered at least 90% of the material from all my previous levels?
Which movements or steps from my current level were the most challenging? Do I feel confident in these now?
Do I enjoy tackling a healthy challenge, or do I prefer staying closer to my comfort zone in bellydancing?
Am I comfortable with the techniques, improvisation, and choreography covered in all my previous courses/levels?
Why Repeating Levels is the Secret to Success (Not a Setback!)
Rushing through levels might feel like progress, but true mastery is about depth, not speed. Think of learning as peeling an onion—each layer builds on the one beneath. Skipping solid foundations in Levels 2, 3, or 4 can make advanced levels like 5 and 6 feel overwhelming, forcing you to repeat them more than necessary. But when you take the time to really absorb the techniques early on, you unlock smoother, faster progress later!
Why Repeating Helps You Shine:
Better Techniques, Better Creativity: Repeating Level 3’s hagalla lets you vary speed and direction with ease in Level 4.
Less Stress, More Fun: Rushing is stressful. Repetition builds confidence and joy in your movement.
Integration Over Information: Modern life is busy, and it’s hard to absorb everything in one go. Repeating ensures your body really learns and that homework videos are a breeze rather than a source of overwhelm
Safer performance on stage as you're more grounded and aware of your surroundings
Why Repeating Levels Helps the Whole Group Thrive
When students progress at the right pace, everyone benefits! If a student is struggling with a Level 3 technique in a Level 5 class, it can limit the time we have for advanced concepts and details. While we love breaking down movements and encourage questions, being in the class that aligns with your journey ensures we can dedicate time to everyone's progress.
Safer performance on stage together as a group, especially if there are advanced spins or wider arm movements
Repeating earlier levels allows you to master techniques so that when you move up, you feel confident and ready. This also creates a supportive group environment where every dancer can dive into advanced material without feeling held back—or overwhelmed.
Our goal is to help all students grow while making sure each class is focused, enriching, and fun! By repeating levels as needed, you’re setting yourself (and your group!) up for success.
--> Please note for health and safety reasons we can't accomodate beginner dancers in our advanced classes due to the fast paced challenging environment
Your Path, Your Pace:

Here’s an example of how personalized progress might look:

Student A: L1 → L2 → L3 (repeated) → L4 → L5 → L4 again → L6
Student B: L1 (repeated) → L2 → L3 → L4 (repeated) → L5 → L6 (repeated)
Student C: Repeats every level, sometimes multiple times
Student D: no repeats, but plenty of home practice in between classes, going over homework videos meticulously, self filming to mark progress, and doing muscle stretching
Your journey is yours to savour, and every step strengthens the next. Solid foundations lead to stunning performances—enjoy the process!
We're preparing a short video demo to help you assess your level within seconds from the comfort of your home